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Third Trimester BUMPdate

Writer's picture: Vanessa BernabeVanessa Bernabe

32 weeks, almost there!

I remember coming into my third trimester during first pregnancy and thinking, YES, finally – the final stretch!

But, when does third trimester really start?

If we do the math:

40 weeks /3=13.33 weeeks per trimester

and if we go by that equation,

13.33 x 2 = 26.67 or 27

then, the first two trimesters last until 27 weeks,

and third trimester begins at 28 weeks.

pregnancy diary third trimester bumpdate

What is the third trimester really like?

(and why is it such a big deal?)

Well go ahead and ask mamas in their third trimester. It's more likely they'll tell you the very same thing I will: it's immensely the most exciting and utterly terrifying time. You’re about to meet that little human who changed so much about you for 40 weeks and he’s going to do more of that for the rest of your lives as soon as he comes out.

For first time moms, an adventure to an unknown territory is about to begin;

and for seasoned moms, it's revisiting a beautiful place away from your comfort zone.

But the most thrilling part? You have no clue when that will happen exactly. So amidst the pregnancy issues you are going through, you patiently wait.

What to expect?

Some preggo mamas experience renewed morning sickness, aches and pains, discomfort, mood swings, and restlessness making third trimester officially the unprettiest and slowest 10-13 weeks of mom life.

But of course that varies.

My first pregnancy went smoothly until I delivered Atlas, but this time around, I learned what sore hip flexors, sore lower back and restless legs feel like as they make deep and restful sleep elusive during some nights.

How I would want to wish this season of my life to be over ASAP, however there are things I still need to keep in check.

Vanessa Bernabe Maternity Shoot / 📷 Ralph Lee / HMUA: Lady Bernabe / STYLING: Aira Franco / GOWN: Michelle Bernabe
📷 Ralph Lee / HMUA: Lady Bernabe / STYLING: Aira Franco / GOWN: Michelle Bernabe

So the next question to ask is

How Am I doing?

This is something not too easy to answer and crazy how it triggers my mood swings. So what I did was sort these thoughts in sections so it's easier to keep track of how I'm feeling.

It might come off as super OC but mamas, we have to look after ourselves right? That's the easiest way we can figure out the petty annoyances and work our way around it so we can improve the quality of our days.

On my case, the remaining days I can still be half of my best self (at least) for Atlas.


  • Hormonal with a bit of "I hate everybody" mood sometimes. Trust me, I hate myself too for feeling this way but I also have to be kind to myself right? #preggyexcuse

  • EMOTIONAL. All the freaking time. Especially each time I remember Atlas and how I’m not going to be able to do things with him for a while after giving birth because we could really feel helpless from the pains and discomforts after a major surgery. :(

  • Speaking of which, some friends bluntly told me C Section is much painful the second time around. Heads up much appreciated!

  • Anxious. Panic level 4/10


  • I feel increasingly tired and heavy. My OB always warns me about gaining too much flabs. Yes flabs, cause I'm still at par with the normal weight gain range but she insists my belly is 70% bilbil, 30% baby. Great!

  • Body aches, count me in. Pulikat (muscle spasm), check. Back aches, check. Restless legs, check.

  • Sleeping on my back is not an option anymore. On a side note, I never had this with Atlas. Fine, I'm bigger and heavier this time; I hear you, doc.

  • Severe dry skin that I keep on treating with Voila! So far so good, no signs of stretch marks. Shared how to safely and effectively treat skin issues while pregnant on my previous post.

  • Well, I've been having so much fun with Atlas these days, but it makes it more difficult to think I'd be missing our silly games, bath and bed time routines once little Axis is out. I try my best to keep up with his energy but some days I would just collapse, and suddenly lose it when he's too much to handle. Mom guilt is real! Esp at times when all I want to do is sleep and there's the motherhood duties partying in my head.

  • He self-weaned at around 24-27 weeks, altho sometimes he would ask for "dede" just for comfort. I'm glad we didn't force him to wean earlier in my pregnancy. As for contractions? None so far.

  • Where'd our tasmanian toddler go? He's become the sweetest boy ever and it's making me emotional all over again. sniff, sniff.


(more like FATNESS, ugh)

I said I'll go back to yoga starting with breathing exercises this week but to no avail. Sedentary lifestyle was never in my pregnancy plan, but since my 19 week ultra sound showed I have a low-lying placenta, OB limited my physical activities (even sexy time with the hubby).

So yeah I feel like I couldn't get heavier than this. Plus blame it on the chocolates, sweets, and the unhealthy stuff I started craving for this trimester!

But if you're having no issues with pregnancy, any form of low impact exercise is perfect to upkeep our fitness. Swimming, walking, yoga, pilates, are some of the best activities we can consider but better check with your OB first. There are some activities he/she might rule out depending on your condition, just don't forget about kegel exercise!


A normal day of food for me looks like this:

Breakfast: Prenatal milk + matcha + chia + Atlas leftover

Brunch: Quinoa + Veggies + protein (red meat)

Early Dinner: Sandwich

Snack: (Depending on the mood, but most times) chips + milk tea

PS don't be like me - we can't just rely our nutritional requirements from the supplements we take; we also need to be mindful of what we eat. We need

  • Protein-rich foods

  • Green leafy veggies and wholegrains for folic acid

  • Oily fish, eggs and fortified breakfast cereals for vitamin D; sunlight for extra boost

  • Citrus fruits and berries for vitamin C. An extra 25% is required this trimester. And with the virus and illnesses going around, we might need a double dose.

  • A variety of fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy products for Vitamin A

Still not wearing maternity clothes though!

I wrote about #BumpStyle: the Non-Maternity Way when I was 5 months pregnant and I thought the bump is probably still too small to make me look and feel good wearing maternity clothes. But to date, they still don't look good on me! I see preggo mamas rocking the same styles I have, but oh well, maternity wear isn't just for everybody.

To be honest, sometimes I wish I'm like other pregnant moms whose minds are focused on getting everything ready for the baby. Because mine has been quite busy lately trying to get things done for Atlas, the household, brands and PR we work with, and business, on top of preparing and organising the essential things for Axis.

As I sit here patiently waiting for my nesting instinct to kick in full throttle, I know I have a lot to do and it feels as though the time is flying.


Nesting started kicking in at around 29 weeks. I love how my husband is so supportive with the idea although I'm already going 33 weeks by now and the plans are still in blueprint which makes me more anxious than ever! But we will most probably share these things with you real soon! Fingers crossed that would happen in less than 3 weeks.

Baby Stuff

Oh that long list. Where is it by the way? I love that shops like Mothercare give out list of essential baby stuff we need to prepare for the newborn. Saves us from missing out the necessary. But FYI, I have nothing to be proud of with this area yet aside from the newborn items Rachelle picked up for me.

Birth Classes

There's a lineup of substantial classes at The Parenting Emporium and mind you, these are led by experts in their respective fields. I love how this hub houses support and encouragement to parents in all walks of life, and this is actually where I started to expand my horizon in the world of parenthood. It makes me feel bad missing out on the scheduled classes due to conflicts in time, but I tell you, the key people I met here have been so helpful all through out my parenting journey with Atlas that I feel confident enough to take on this new mom again role. Thanks to #parenthoodshared Beng and Maricel started.


Whatever this means to you! Mine is in the form of me-time, appreciating myself, and doing things I love to do. We need it for our sanity! At present, I'm occupied with organizing my 29th birthday slash welcoming party for Axis.

How's all these for the remaining 7 weeks?

Third trimester bumpdate 33 weeks pregnant

Truth be told, I never thought I could get excited, worried, anxious, uncomfortable, restless and happy all at the same time in this level. It's so many heightened emotions at once!

This pregnancy journey has been

wonderful and challenging;

riveting and overwhelming;

fulfilling and draining.

Such is #motherhood right?

Why I truly can't thank my family, friends, and everyone I worked or encountered with over the past several months for showering me love and support. To everyone who I became friends on social media, interacted with, and socialized with, there's no way I can express how I appreciate every kind words, advices and chitchats that have given me a lot to look forward to each day.

You all made me feel so blessed to belong in an incredible #momcommunity and I feel grateful to know that there's always someone out there who will ride with us along on this beautiful journey.

I know we all have a lot of exciting things in store as another adventure unfolds, and I can’t wait to share it with you all! Gosh, that sounded like I want to get over with this pregnancy already but I swear I’m not ready to let it end just yet.

7 more weeks to try to slow down for the good stuff,

to bask in the magic of it all.

Wish me luck with that.





Let's go MAD!

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