ennisterqsOne more, I've had a BB Cream with some type of paraben and I never used it again because I've heard that it is not recommended for moms with babies. Why? What is the effect of parabens on our skin and also to babies?
· @ennisterqs in my personal opinion, we should steer clear of products with paraben and other toxic chemicals since we are always in skin to skin contact with the little ones. On rare occasions I need to wear products on my face, most esp lippie, I refrain from smothering Atlas with kisses cause the kiss marks may seem harmless, but the ingredients seep through our skin and may have long term effects on our health. Exactly why I would rather go barefaced 😅 which if you think about it, is a good thing! Scientific studies claimed to have found parabens in cancer cells aside from the known fact that with cumulative and long term exposure to this toxic chemical is detrimental to our health.
zep.lanIf I go chemical-free, would it cause a huge dent in my wallet?
@zep.lan well, anything labeled as natural or organic is automatically marked 25% higher ... but would you rather save a few pennies now and expose yourself to health risks which will require highly specialized treatments and medication later, than spend a little more for a safer and healthier choice?
exodusniloCurious because products in the market for men are stronger in scent. If I go organic, would there be a special formulation for men?
I agree and I feel anxious about that. My husband uses this deo and it smells really nice but every time I wash his shirt, the deo stain scares me more. It really sticks! Imagine what components are present in that product to make it so powerful in controlling odor and leaving a stubborn stain on clothes 😵 well in other countries there are brands that formulate organic products for men, but brands that we have here in the country formulate products that are good enough for both genders 😊
emskiful@mom.atlast hey gorgeous so back to the question when will it expire normally? Duration of use?For how many months its okay to use?
@emskiful carrier oils (grapeseed, almond, olive, avocado etc) alone usually expires faster. Some only takes 3-6months before they become rancid. Except VCO and jojoba oil which can last up to 5 years. Essential oils on the other hand, have a really long shelf life given you store them properly (glass container/tinted dark/away from the sun/minimize opening and reopening the bottle). With @voilaphformulation, beauty oils have an extended shelf life for one year with the use of vitamin E and respective essential oils for each skin type :)